How to Maintain Authentic Self For Entrepreneurs

How to Maintain Authentic Self For Entrepreneurs

Authenticity does matter especially when you are business field. It is what leads people to put their trust on you. For example, audiences prefer authentic story of certain brands delivered by simple ways through small platforms instead of the one that is more fabricated even though it is delivered in such a sophisticated ways through big platforms. Today’s customer is smart and they like something more genuine. Hence, authenticity plays big roles not only in personal life but also in business field today. 

Authenticity within yourself as human being and entrepreneur

Authenticity is more than just being true to yourself but also about how you face life with courage, sincerity, and dignity regardless the situation. Your authentic self will determine every interaction and experience you make. It doesn’t mean that you have freedom to do as you please to the point where you lose empathy and hurt the others. Authentic self still need filter and boundaries. However, it is not impossible for you to be unapologetically you while having a chance to rise to any occasion. 

Keeping your business authentic

Authenticity means you free yourself of being fake. Keep in mind that fake and filter are different. Instead of faking yourself, you have to face yourself. Hence, every decision you make is always authentic. Authenticity and self-humanity is linked. If what you decide goes against your own humanity, then it is lack of authenticity. 

Become an authentic self is not impossible

Become an authentic self is not impossible

You can do it by differentiating yourself from others. As human, it is natural to not be different from others. However, different doesn’t mean bad. In fact, you can use your differences from others to find yourself deeper. You will find out who you are regardless of your upbringing, relationship, education, culture, or family. Those are not things that establish your identity. Differences you find can be the cause of your character. 

The critic of inner voice

To truly know who you are, listen to your inner voice. Avoid listening to inner critic because it will only lead you to something you think you should be or do. Always implement self-kindness to yourself to remind yourself that you are human. Making mistake is just part of experience and can improve to be better without being so harsh on yourself. 

Independent decision 

Try to establish independent thought so you know you have potential to make great decision even without influence from others. It doesn’t mean you have to ignore the input given by the other people. With independent thought, you know who you are and what you are capable of without being afraid whether or not you will please the others. Independent thought is powerful thing to develop. 

Avoid recalling a time when you were being inauthentic

Instead, recall times when you were being authentic. The later will result in happiness compared to the former. It is because happiness is tied with authenticity. Recall the time when you followed your values and made decision from character not with influence from others or being fake with yourself. Try practicing this and see how it affects your present.