Tattoo Canggu Comfort in Tattoo Process & Listening to Your Guts

Comfort and the quality of service you’re receiving as a customer tattoo Canggu is something that needs to be discussed more. Getting a tattoo is not a matter you should just settle for. Feeling comfortable around your tattoo artist is so important. Never underestimate you gut feelings.

Getting tattoo Canggu why comfort is so important

When getting tattoo Canggu the aspect that most people focus on is the art itself. How do you find a good tattoo artist; a suitable one for the style you’re looking for and whatnot. And that’s a good approach. However, some forget that a huge part of getting a tattoo is the service part. You’re not merely purchasing a piece of painting from a gallery. You’re going to commission an artist to draw you your art from scratch; using yourself as the canvas. If you’re compromising on services, a lifetime regret would likely follow.

tattoo canggu

Price does translate to quality

Experienced tattoo artists charge more. This is a very common thing across tattoo industries anywhere. Whether you’re getting your tattoo in Canggu or Thailand, or whatever tattoo destinations, professional artists do tend to be more expensive. Compared to say, an apprentice at a tattoo studio. And professional artists have had years of experience dealing with clients. If you’ve heard of a good tattoo artist and don’t think you can afford it? You don’t have to approach them straight away. Save up. Wait until you’ve got enough to have just the best tattoo artist to do your ink.

tattoo shop canggu

How to avoid getting a bad tattoo artist or a bad studio

Never make impulsive decisions when it comes to tattoo. And most of the time, if you do your homework of researching, this is easily avoided. Always, always research your artist, the portfolio, the tattoo studio, the references left by people of their services, and whatnot.

tattoo canggu bali

But what if you did all that and you still feel somewhat uncomfortable with your tattoo studio or artists? The best thing you can do for yourself then is to listen to your guts. If you love an artist’s work and is amazed at their tattooing process, but their attitude with you is unsavory, then leave. Remember that this is in the end is a business relationship and you have the right to inform the Canggu tattoo place and say no before you settle for any deal.

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Be respectful to your tattoo artist!

We’re talking about how you should feel comfortable in the tattoo studio and how it’s a must. But how about your tattoo artist? Relationship goes both ways, right? By default, as a customer, as the client doing a business transaction (because in the end that’s what it is) – you need to treat your tattoo artist with respect.

canggu tattooAside from the common sense and being courteous, here are some pointers on what you can improve on:

  • Don’t be that art director. You know, those tattoo clients that comments on every single stroke the tattoo artist make. Those clients who make impulsive decisions to “add this stroke”, “here, thicken this part”, and whatnot. I could name very few that pisses off tattoo artists more than an art director.
  • This is of course, can be easily avoided if you have established a good communication with your tattoo artist. Make sure that you’ve discussed the tattoo designs in length and in sufficient details. Not happy with the draft your tattoo artist make? Tell them. And discuss how it could be improved. Often times, all it takes is that extra effort of communicating. You’ll go a long way with your tattoo Canggu experience.