How to Properly Respond to Feedback from Your Customers

Responding to your customers’ feedback is important to keep you updated with their needs and demand, it is also a great way to improve your business because you will know what to fix and what to develop. This is how you can run better business because you create products or services that truly what your customers need and want. Fishing for customers’ feedback is not difficult as we are living in digital era. You can ask for their feedbacks through live chat on social media, by email, phone call, etc. choose the one that provide effective interaction and communication the most both for you and your customers.

Responding to your customers’ feedback

Running a business means you have to be ready to receive criticism. Your customers is your priority so you need to be attentive to them and dig deeper to their mind to know what they need. Feedbacks are not always positive so you need to know as well how to respond to negative feedbacks. The point is, you need to respond to both positive and negative feedbacks equally. 

How to Properly Respond to Feedback from Your Customers

The first rule in responding to your customer’s feedback is to do it immediately. Do not delay your response because they don’t like waiting. When you are too long to respond to them, they will feel ignored and it is such a negative reaction you want from your customers. When they are unhappy, they will cancel services. They won’t even hesitate to make negative review of your service. Thus, always respond to your customer as soon as possible even when you haven’t found the solution yet. At least, let them know that you have acknowledge their issue and you are already working on it. 

The second rule is to not take the feedbacks personally especially when you read negative feedback. It sounds simple but actually hard to read negative comments from your customers. It is challenging to keep your cool. However, it is important to stay calm while responding to your customers so emotion won’t cloud your judgment in assessing the issues. Remember that your customers’ feedback is all about business not about your personal life. Thus, you need to handle it professionally as well. 

Read More: How to Respond When a Crisis Strikes Your Business

The third rule is to be willing to understand more the issue that the customers brought up. Sometimes some customers give vague feedback that you don’t really understand what the real problem is. However, it is not a good choice to leave them hanging. Thus, you need to dig deeper into the issue by asking them more information to let the issue clear. 

The last but not least, you need to respond to positive feedback positively. It may sound simple but sometime it is easy to get misunderstood or misinterpreted. When responding to positive feedbacks, you need to express your gratitude. You can also respond to them by offering additional services or products they might need. Ask for their testimonials to be put on your website because it is a great asset you need to secure.