Leadership Presence In Running Business

In running a business, the presence of a leader plays important role because an organization needs a leader to help the team work together. However, it doesn’t mean that just because someone has title of a leader, they have automatically have leadership presence. Even if you have a very advanced skill, it doesn’t make you a good leader automatically. Your true qualities and talents are not really reflected through leadership presence either. 


Knowing more about leadership presence in business

Leadership presence is not only about pointing out people and leading your team to reach the goals. It is also about how other people evaluate you, and how you influence people’s perception of you. It is not easy to do because then you must have deep understanding of the overall of how you present yourself. Your appearance, emotional state, body language and communication styles are all elements you need to showcase string leadership presence. 

Some people might not be born with the quality of leadership presence. However, it is just like learning a skill. You can develop it like any other skill set. What you need is awareness of its importance, understanding, and practice. By showcasing strong leadership presence, you have more opportunities in projecting the qualities you need to advance your careers as well. 

There are various ingredients to develop your leadership presence. The first one is credibility. It is important to be perceived as credible by other people. One of the things you can do to grow your credibility is to improve your communication skills or styles. Be more direct or to-the-point when speaking and avoid ramblings. Make sure that you don’t have to word vomiting to make others get the message. 

Next ingredient is confidence. It is one of the traits commonly associated with being a leader. You can show your confidence through your body language and you can practice to develop it. You can start with practising good posture where your shoulders squared, head straight, feet flat on the floor, and let your arms slightly away from your torso. Body language can show a clear statement in virtual environment. Good posture can help showcasing more confidence. 

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Next ingredient is composure. This is one of the most challenging thing to learn because staying calm and posed under pressured is not something everyone can do. However, you can develop the skill because keeping your composure can help you appear reliable, capable, and in control in any situation. When you are under difficult situation and don’t know what to do, try not to panic but pause for a few seconds to close your eyes and take a deep breath. 

Next ingredient is connection. To have strong leadership presence you need to know how to connect with other people. Smooth talking is not the only thing to build good communication skills. Connecting to other needs the ability to listen and empathize. Hence, improve your empathy as well as listening skill so you can connect more easily with others